
The first overview of bat roadkills in Taiwan

Joe Chun-Chia Huang1*, Pong-Yuan Wang2, Mao-Ning Tuanmu3, Te-En Lin4
1 Southeast Asian Bat Conservation and Research Unit, Lubbock, USA
2 National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan
3 Biodiversity Research Center Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
4 Endemic Species Research Institute, Chi-Chi, Taiwan
*Corresponding Author: ecojoe.huang@gmail.com

The 4th Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bacolod, Philippines, August 6-9
Te-En Lin

The development of road system and the popularity of motor vehicle have remarkably shaped biodiversity in the modern era. To mitigate the influences of road and traffic to biodiversity, it is necessary to understanding the road-based biodiversity patterns and the processes behind, e.g. the roadkill incidences caused by vehicle collision. We collected bat roadkill data in Taiwan and nearby islets from October 2007 to July 2017. Most of the data is reported by citizen scientists via our online platform, the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (https://roadkill.tw/en). In total, 416 roadkill incidences are found in our 10-year data set. Nearly 94% of the bat roadkills are recorded at low elevation (<500m), despite the wider elevational range (up to 3250m) in the survey area. About 82 % (n=340) of the total records are identified to 20 microbat species of four families, representing over 50 % of the national count (37 species). We did not find any strong association between roadkill frequency, and phylogenetic and functional traits, except the elevation distribution of species. The five most frequently roadkill species, namely Pipistrellus abramus, Scotophilus kuhlii, Miniopterus fuliginosus, Hipposideros armiger, and Rhinolophus monoceros, are usually common and abundant in previous surveys. Some possible causes of the bat roadkill incidence patterns will be discussed and further investigated.

Keyword: citizen science, elevation, functional trait, microbat, open data