

1. 國立中山大學海洋科學系博士後研究員
2. 行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心動物組助理研究員
關鍵字: 公民科學、新冠肺炎、臺灣動物路死觀察網、親環境行為意圖、環境態度

Chia-Hsuan Hsu and Te-En Lin, 2021.  A Preliminary Study on Participants' Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions towards Collecting Corpse Specimens in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Cases from the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network, Journal of Environmental Education Research. 17(1), 129-151(PDF)

DOI: 10.6555/JEER.17.1.129

可將資料上傳至資料庫,供後續科學研究之利用。除此之外,若路死動物標本完整,參與者則可以將標本蒐集後寄至特有生物研究保育中心,進行後續分析。但隨著新冠肺炎疫情發展,人們擔心病毒可能源自於野生動物並直接傳染給人類。本研究希望瞭解疫情爆發後路殺社參與者對於蒐集動物屍體的態度與行為,共蒐集了121 份有效問卷,其中包含51 位未曾採集過屍體標本之參與者,以及70 位曾經採集過標本之參與者。本研究將蒐集屍體資料視為親環境行為,而使用二階段決策模型作為理論基礎,探討兩群(有無蒐集經驗)受測者之親環境態度與行為意圖。以卡方檢定有無蒐集經驗之親環境態度的各個面向,結果顯示相互獨立,即兩群受測者在環境態度各個面向皆相同。而在親環境行為的面向,可行性評估及行為意圖在兩群受測者間相互不獨立,也就是有無蒐集標本經驗

關鍵字: 公民科學、新冠肺炎、臺灣動物路死觀察網、親環境行為意圖、環境態度

In the time of COVID-19 pandemic, there have been several severe impacts on human activities all over the world. Some researchers presume that the COVID-19 virus might originate from wild animals such as pangolins and bats. Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (TaiRON) is the most popular citizen science project which recruits volunteers (citizen scientists) to collect animal carcass specimens from roadkill in Taiwan. This pilot study is to understand the volunteers' attitudes and pro-environmental behaviors. A two-phase decision model for the theoretical framework has been used in this study. A total of 121 valid questionnaire responses have been collected. Among them, 70 participants have experiences in collecting corpse specimens while 51 have no such experiences. The preliminary result reveals that the attitudes of participants with or without the experience of collecting specimens have no significant differences by Chi-squared test. However, the participants who had the specimen collection experience scored higher than those who did not have experience in the behavioral intention dimension. It has been speculated that the volunteers who had the experience could understand the potential risks more easily and protect themselves. Overall, all of the participants were willing to conduct the specimen collection behavior. This could be due to the relatively stable COVID-19 situation in Taiwan in comparison to the rest of the world during the survey period. Thus, after the citizen scientists assessed the condition, they still wished to contribute to scientific research and conservation. Moreover, in the past 10 years, the TaiRON has been dedicated to promoting environmental education so that its volunteers have positive environmental consciousness and confidence.

Keyword: citizen science, COVID-19, Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network, pro-environmental behavior, environmental attitudes,