
Hong, S-Y, C. Morrissey, H.-S. Lin, K-S Lin, W-L Lin, C-T Yao, T-E Lin, F-T Chan, and Y-H Sun. 2019. Frequent detection of anticoagulant rodenticides in raptors sampled in Taiwan reflects government rodent control policy. Science of the Total Environment

2019/7/5 accept
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 691, 15 November 2019, Pages 1051-1058
Shiao-Yu Hong(a), Christy Morrissey(b), Hui-Shan Lin(a), Kuei-Shien Lin(c), Wen-Loung Lin(d), Cheng-Te Yao(c), Te-En Lin(c), Fang-Tse Chan(c), Yuan-Hsun Sun(a)

a Institute of Wildlife Conservation, College of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 912, Taiwan

b Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, 112 Science Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5E2, Canada

c Endemic Species Research Institute, Nantou 552, Taiwan

d Taichung Wildlife Rescue Group, Taichung 411, Taiwan.

Received 12 February 2019, Revised 4 July 2019, Accepted 5 July 2019, Available online 8 July 2019.

Editor: Yolanda Pico


• This was the first screening study of rodenticide residues of raptors in Asia.
• Most raptor species in this study have never been tested for rodenticide exposure elsewhere.
• Rodent-eating, scavenging, and snake-eating species were at higher risk of exposure.
• Seasonal trends were consistent with timing of government anti-rodent campaigns.
Shiao-Yu Hong


Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) are known to cause extensive secondary exposure in top predators in Europe and North America, but there remains a paucity of data in Asia. In this study, we collected 221 liver samples of 21 raptor species in Taiwan between 2010 and 2018. Most samples were from rescue organizations, but some free-ranging individuals were from bird-strike prevention measures in airports. ARs were detected in 10 species and more than half of the total samples. Common rodent-eating Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus) had the highest prevalence (89.2%) and highest sum concentration (0.211 ± 0.219 mg/kg). The scavenging Black Kite (Milvus migrans) and snake-eating Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela) had the second highest prevalence or sum concentration, respectively. Seven AR compounds were detected, of which brodifacoum was the most common and had the highest average concentration, followed by flocoumafen and bromadiolone. The frequency of occurrence in the three most numerous species (Black-winged Kite, Crested Goshawk [Accipiter trivirgatus], and Collared Scops-owl [Otus lettia]) was significantly higher in autumn than summer, which was consistent with the timing of the Taiwanese government's supply of free ARs to farmers. Regional differences in the detection of individual compounds also tended to reflect differences in human population density and use patterns (in agriculture or urban environments). Free-ranging Black-winged Kites had similar high AR prevalence and concentrations as injured birds sampled from rescue organizations. In contrast, clinical poisoning was confirmed in Black Kites with sum concentrations as low as 0.026 mg/kg. Further study of interspecific differences in AR sensitivity and potential population effects are needed. In addition, continued monitoring remains important since the Taiwanese government has modified their farmland rodent control policy to gradually reduce free AR supplies since 2015.


Secondary poisoning, Rodent control, Predators, Exposure, SGAR

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.076 (Anyone clicking on this link before September 13, 2019 will be taken directly to the final version on ScienceDirect, which they are welcome to read or download.)


#最新研究證實 台灣猛禽體內普遍驗出老鼠藥!!
自從2014年,屏科大野保所鳥類生態研究室首度證實,有瀕危的黑鳶因老鼠藥中毒死亡,老鼠藥對台灣猛禽的危害才開始受到重視。2015年起由農藥主管機關防檢局邀集多個單位,展開大規模的台灣猛禽體內老鼠藥殘留調查,總計檢驗21種猛禽、全台各地200多件肝臟樣本。結果共有10種猛禽、超過6成的樣本驗出老鼠藥殘留,顯示老鼠藥已經普遍進入台灣生態的食物鏈之中,此研究論文在近日發表於環境科學領域的權威期刊”Science of The Total Environment” (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.076)。
在平原和低海拔地區常見的5種猛禽中,主食鼠類的黑翅鳶老鼠藥檢出率高達9成,且檢出的平均濃度也最高(211 ppb)。此外,有腐食習性的黑鳶和主食蛇類的大冠鷲,分別是檢出率和平均濃度的第二位,顯示腐食性以及主食蛇類也是老鼠藥中毒的高危險群,並間接證明蛇類可能是老鼠藥在食物鏈中傳遞的重要環節之一。至於在鄉村和都會區很常見的鳳頭蒼鷹和領角鴞,牠們食性廣泛,並非以鼠類為主食,但老鼠藥的檢出率也都超過5成。
這個問題並不容易回答。以國外研究較多的倉鴞為例,出現中毒症狀的個體,肝臟殘留的老鼠藥多在100-200 ppb以上,但不同種類的動物對上不同成分的老鼠藥,感受性可能會差異很大。台灣的黑鳶自1980年代以來族群大量消失,目前被認為跟農藥和老鼠藥的毒害有關,本研究中有兩例黑鳶,屍體被發現時無任何外傷,但出現口腔和內臟出血等中毒症狀,經檢驗肝臟中老鼠藥濃度僅26和33 ppb,顯示微量的老鼠藥就可能讓黑鳶死亡。相較之下,黑翅鳶的老鼠藥檢出率和平均濃度都很高,但其族群近數十年來在台灣(以及整個歐亞大陸)都呈現擴張趨勢,是否因為對老鼠藥的耐受性差異,導致不同猛禽的數量出現消長,非常值得後續研究。
基於科學而非感性 滅鼠週40年走入歷史 防檢局長細說由來(2018/10)
黑鳶禍不單行! 首次確認台灣的猛禽體內有老鼠藥殘留(2014/11)