
Taiwan's Top 100 Roadkill Hotspots and Improvement Maps

Click to open the Top 100 Roadkill Hotspots and Improvement Maps (Drawing by citizen scientist Mr. Wu Guanlin)

2022 Top 100 Roadkill Hotspots

Taiwan is densely populated, with a criss-crossing road system and the highest density of cars and motorcycles in the world, resulting in the death of millions of animals every year due to car accidents (referred to as road kills), which also threatens the traffic safety of passers-by.  In order to reduce the occurrence of animal roadkill deaths, the Endemic Species Research Institute of the Council of Agriculture has launched the TaiRon Citizen Science Project since 2012, inviting members of the public who care about this issue to record the animal deaths on the roads by taking photos from all over Taiwan.   After 10 years of efforts, more than 6,300 citizen scientists have recorded the spatio-temporal information of 160,000 dead animals from 600 species, and compiled more than 50,000 data items from highway bureaus, national parks, and private conservation groups.   A total of 210,000 records, analyzed according to the four categories of medium and large mammals that are likely to cause traffic accidents, protected species, non-protected species that will be killed in large numbers in a short period of time, and road sections where animals often gather (such as feeding points for Taiwanese macaques and stray dogs and cats),have allowed 138 road sections that are prone to animal roadkill incidents in Taiwan to be summarized and sorted out, and this map data has been applied to the "Happy Highway APP" and "OmnieCUE Road Information Expert APP", "NaviKing" and "Garmin Navigation" and other products that are available for download for free or for use after updating the pictures of purchased products.

Thanks to 3Sdrive Inc. for the development of "Omnie CUE Road Information Expert" with the function of a voice reminder about the top 100 roadkill hotspots (you are welcome to download and use for free; it is ad-free); if you are a user of Kingwaytek Technology Corporation Limited’s "NaviKing", remember to update the information on the Internet to use it permanently. 

Omnie CUE / iOS Free Download, Google play Free Download

NaviKing 3D Pro APP (Android, IOS) 2019/12/25 online

Garmin Navigation animal roadkill hotspot warning function download update